Institutional Core Values
Institutional Core Values
Hartland College values education that uplifts Biblical truth, selfless love, commitment and loyalty, diligence and effective work practices, and healthful living. From these values we derive the five themes that underly all institutional action. These are:

An atmosphere that builds Christlike character
A curriculum that uplifts Bible truth and academic excellence
An environment that nurtures healthful living
A• A program that promotes diligence and work ethics
An outreach that models brotherly love

Institutional Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Scholarship—Academic excellence
- Apply critical thinking to analyze, integrate, and evaluate information.
- Apply knowledge to real-world challenges.
Faith and Practice—Build Christlike Character and uplift Bible Truth
- Appreciate and establish a consistent personal routine of prayer and Bible study.
- Value the privilege of a life that is fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.
- Demonstrate the ability to explain the gospel sufficiently to lead a person to Christ.
- Understand, defend, and explain the basic teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from the Bible.
- Demonstrate the capacity to engage effectively in mission projects.
Communication and Comprehension—Models brotherly love
- Engage in effective communication, expressing ideas logically and persuasively in oral, written, and visual work.
- Develop the capacity to understand and interact effectively with others whose identities, beliefs, behaviors, and values differ from their own.
Industry & Teamwork—Promotes industry through practical training
- Value and practice habits of industry such as punctuality, diligence, and efficiency.
- Demonstrate teamwork skills that enable collaboration.
- Demonstrate the capacity to integrate with local churches on a social level and in their mission.
- Demonstrate ability to develop a viable and innovative ministry plan.
Fitness and Wellbeing—An Environment that nurtures healthful living
- Demonstrate practices that promote health and well-being, including safe outdoor recreation along with a physical education program that promotes personal physical fitness. agriculture and recreational activities. Explain common factors that impact the health and wellness of individuals and their communities.
- Understand biblical health principles and the laws of health as pointed out in the Spirit of Prophecy.