Hartland College – Hartland College is a supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church dedicated to training missional professionals and entrepreneurs to work both domestically and internationally.

What are your concerns?


Worldly Influence

Do you want to be trained without worldly influences?


Too Theoretical

Are you worried about college academics being too theoretical?

Life Purpose

Do you want to find
your life calling?

New Environment

Are you anxious about
leaving your family


Financial Expenses

Are you worried about high tuition costs and debt?

If any of these apply to you, we have good news.

Hartland College is committed to training 21st Century professional missionaries with solid academics, a biblical foundation, and a practical educational approach. All of this in a warm family setting, a spiritual environment, and more affordable than you would expect.

Our Approach

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Why Choose Hartland?


At Hartland, all students engage in a structured work education program with specific learning objectives, placing them in environments where they acquire practical skills, real-ministry work experience, and strengthen their résumés. Through hands-on experiences, including outreach efforts like canvassing, students integrate theological studies with practical work-study opportunities, fostering a strong work ethic, contributing to the community, and graduating debt-free while growing both spiritually and professionally.


Every student will be taught the core principles of Christian health and the basics of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness missionary work. Hartland’s physical education program also provides personal fitness opportunities for each student, as well as the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities.


Each class is intentionally designed to combine classroom theory and real-life application. We seek to integrate faith and learning with the latest academic research, all presented within the context of a biblical Seventh-day Adventist worldview.

Wholistic Education

Every student at Hartland College, regardless of their major, will develop abilities and acquire knowledge in a wide range of areas in the context of faith and learning integration. We believe that every class we teach should be rooted in real-life application of spiritual values.


All students receive training in leading people to Christ through our intensive Bible school experience, innovative worships, canvassing programs, and weekly outreach activities.


Apart from heavy schedule and classes, our students enjoy spending time together with our staff going hiking, exploring campus, having vespers and much more.

Meet Our Alumni

Choose the Program That’s Right for You

Religion Department

A course to train competent ministers, evangelists, Bible workers, and teachers to share the Three Angels’ Messages to the world.
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Christian Communication Ministry Department

Designed for students who want to develop innovative communication abilities to win souls.
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Christian Health and Wellness Ministry Department

The Christian Health and Wellness Ministry Department’s mission is to prepare comprehensive health and wellness missionaries.
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Christian Education Department

Instructing missionary teachers to work in a variety of educational settings, from modern classrooms to off-the-grid mission outposts.
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Biblical Counseling Department

Equip students to heal hearts and minds through Christ’s love, teaching, preaching, and transforming lives into God’s image biblically.
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Is Hartland Accredited?

Who are some Hartland professors?

Pr. Mark Finley

Adjunct Faculty in
Religion Department

Dr. Steven Grabiner

Adjunct Faculty in
Religion Department

Dr. Philip Samaan

Adjunct Faculty in
Religion Department

Dr. Scott Griswold

Adjunct Faculty in
Religion Department

Dr. Andrew Smith

Christian Education
Department Chair

Here’s How It Works




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How is Hartland’s relationship with the church?

Copyright © 2023 Hartland College


  • Solid academics
  • Work education program
  • Project-based curriculum
  • Practice agriculture and learn Christian healthy living strategies
  • Outdoor living


  • Deep Bible study
  • Character development
  • Discipline & time management
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Physical fitness


  •  Integrative mission perspective
  • Bible and Spirit of Prophecy foundation
  • Community outreach evangelism
  • Canvassing
  • Community internships

Spiritual Leadership

  • Servant Leadership
  • Faith & Finance (Spiritual Values and Financial Stewardship)
  • Visionary Guidance
  • Ethical Decision-Making
  • Community Building


  • Integrative mission perspective
  • Bible and Spirit of Prophecy foundation
  • Community outreach evangelism
  • Canvassing
  • Community internships


  • Solid academics
  • Work education program
  • Project-based curriculum
  • Practice agriculture and learn Christian healthy living strategies
  • Outdoor living


  • Servant Leadership
  • Faith & Finance (Spiritual Values and Financial Stewardship)
  • Visionary Guidance
  • Ethical Decision-Making
  • Community Building


  • Servant Leadership
  • Missional Entrepreneurship
  • Faith & Finance
  • Ministry Leadership

Training 21st Century Professional Missionaries

Hartland College operates under the religious exemption provided by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). Hartland College is not yet certified by the state of Virginia or accredited by any regional accrediting agency; however, we are engaged in preparing for that event. The faculty and administration remain dedicated to helping students transfer their credits to other colleges and graduate schools as needed until that is accomplished.

Is accreditation a good thing?

Pr. Mark Finley

Mark Finley is a former speaker/director for It Is Written and a retired General Conference vice president. He is still active as an evangelist, and has presented more than 150 evangelistic series in more than 80 countries, as well 17 NET series broadcast throughout the world. He presents regularly at conventions, field schools, and evangelism institutes, and appears on the Hope Channel’s series Experience Hope. He has written more than 70 books, writes Bible studies for Adventist World magazine, and is the author of Revival and Reformation, the lesson quarterly for the third quarter of 2013. He and his wife, Ernestine “Teenie,” have three grown children: Deborah, Rebecca, and Mark Jr. Today, Pastor Finley and Teenie continue their ministry at the Living Hope School of Evangelism Training Center in Haymarket, Virginia.

Dr. Steven Grabiner

Steven Grabiner provides training and consulting to nonprofit leaders and teams around the world. He has more than 20 years of pastoral and leadership experience. Grabiner currently lives with his wife, Vivian, in Collegedale, Tenn., where he serves as president of Percepta, a leadership services company.
Faculty since 1988, he has taught courses in entrepreneurship, management, economics, and finance, and has received numerous teaching awards.

Dr. Philip Samaan

A former professor in the Theological Seminary at Andrews University in Michigan, a missionary in Africa, and a previous chief editor of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide at the General Conference in Maryland. Dr. Philip G. Samaan is currently an adjunct professor in the School of Religion at Southern Adventist University in Tennessee–as well as serving as Professor Emeritus. He is the author of several books including Christ’s Way to Pray, Christ’s Way of Affirmation, Christ’s Way to Restoration, Christ’s Way to Spiritual Growth, and Christ’s Way of Making Disciples. He is well-known through his inspirational Christian-living books such as Blood Brothers, Portraits of the Messiah, and Christ’s Way to Pray, to name a few. Philip’s love for God and His children is obvious in his presentations.

Scott Griswold

Scott Griswold is the associate director for ASAP Ministries. He previously worked as the director for Global Mission’s Buddhist Study Center in Thailand and as a church planter in Cambodia with Adventist Frontier Missions. He recently wrote Reach the World Next Door, a cross-cultural missions training program for reaching immigrants, refugees, and international students in North America. He is married to Julie and is a father of four, all born in Southeast Asia

How is Hartland’s relationship with the SDA church?

Hartland College is an officially recognized supportive ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church by the Columbia Union Conference, North American Division, and the General Conference. Hartland College is a member of ASI and OCI, umbrella organizations for supportive lay ministries