Pressing Together

Hartland administration is committed to working closely with the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Hartland administration is committed to working closely with the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. We know that God is calling His people to greater unity and are thankful for the opportunity to seek this. We recognize that we have not always represented Christ in our attitudes, words, and actions, and for this we are truly sorry. We believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is God’s remnant church and do not desire in any way to injure the mission of our church. We affirm our support for the Seventh-day Adventist Statement of Fundamental Beliefs and we desire to be united in spirit and truth. We are thankful for the work that our church leadership is doing to give the Three Angels’ Messages to the world, which is our purpose, as well. Working together for the salvation of lost souls is our great uniting interest in our Savior.

As an institution, we are cooperating with our local churches in public evangelism, literature evangelism, health outreaches, Bible study outreaches, and other similar programs. We would like to see an even greater cooperation as members of the body of Christ. We have a lifestyle center, choir, and energetic college students, who strive to be a great blessing to the local churches and enhance their ministry in saving souls. Our mission is to train young people to save souls and be a blessing to the Seventh-day Adventist movement.

It is our purpose to train our students and staff by example and instruction in how to support our church and sister institutions, and not cause unnecessary friction within our local churches or in the mission field. We recognize that a critical or condemnatory spirit is unacceptable. However, no institution can guarantee that the behavior of their workers or students will never be offensive, but we are striving to better educate by precept and example.

We also recognize the need for religious liberty and personal convictions; thus, we will not look down upon, judge, or malign anyone who does not concur with all of our beliefs, standards, or convictions. We recognize that we will not always agree with or understand every position that individuals or the various levels of the church may take, but we will strive to share our convictions and principles from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy in the spirit of Christ and His love while trusting in God’s guidance.

These points have been discussed among Hartland’s administrators and board of directors. We are in agreement that these points accurately reflect our desire and position. We look forward to a productive relationship in which we can work together for our shared purpose of hastening our Lord’s return.

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