Health Ministry Department
Health Ministry Department
Mission and Vision
The Health Ministry Department has as its mission the preparation of comprehensive health missionaries. We recognize the inspired statement, “soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work.” Therefore, our burden is to prepare students to be effective health coaches, health science educators, and pre-health professionals.
The Health Ministry Department’s vision is to prepare missionaries to touch people’s lives with God’s love through well-rounded baccalaureate programs that integrate science theory with practical clinical skills taught within a distinctively Seventh-day Adventist biblical worldview.
The health field is not only a promising area where employment rates are rapidly increasing but it is also a special field for ministering to people and showing them God’s transforming love. Coaching is also flourishing throughout many industries and this approach equips the graduate with the unique opportunity to guide and assist people thus enabling them to make better choices and assume the responsibility for their health. Health and wellness coaching skills are more effective when embedded within a health science baccalaureate program. That is why we have included coaching within our B.S. degree. Hartland’s Wellness Center provides practical training opportunities for the Health Ministry students.
Student Learning Outcomes
Biblical-Worldview Researchers
Students develop a biblical worldview outlook in health science as they apply Bible and Spirit of Prophecy principles to the essential concepts of the basic sciences and as they discern the relationship between the two.
Health and Wellness-Educators
Students practice and effectively communicate key principles of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing and key concepts of the core sciences while they engage in educational activities in schools, churches, and other community venues.
Comprehensive Health Ministers
Students advance spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical restoration as they effectively participate in community outreach, wellness center programs, and church programs in the foreign or home mission field.
Critical Thinkers
Students examine issues, problems, or situations related to health science or clinical cases in light of the evidence and they analyze different alternatives in light of the possible consequences while seeking to identify bias, influence of the context, and underlying assumptions.
Scientific Problem Solvers
Students explain and resolve typical quantitative problems associated with the health and core science branches.
- To equip students to see the hand of the Creator in all living systems and the natural world.
- To prepare students with an understanding of key life science concepts that will complement study in scientific disciplines and strengthen analytical skills required for all fields of study.
- To prepare students to be innovative thinkers in considering current challenges and new applications for life sciences.
- To prepare students to share scientific principles from the Creationistic perspective.
- To equip students to defend their faith in a six-day creation.
Degrees Offered
The Health Ministry Department currently offers 2 programs for health majors and 3 minors for non-health majors.