Hartland’s Educational
Every student at Hartland College, regardless of their major, will develop skills and knowledge in a wide range of areas in the context of faith and learning integration. We believe that every class we teach should be rooted in real-life application of spiritual values. All our students will receive extensive training towards leading people to Christ through our intensive Bible school experience, religion classes, innovative worships, canvassing programs, and outreach activities.
There are a few more things you should keep in mind as you consider Hartland College . . .
Our school year begins in early June with the Summer Outreach Training School* experience that is required for all incoming first-year and transfer students. This intensive course gives missionaries-in-training a chance to bond with the members of their cohort while learning the basic Bible doctrines and soul-winning techniques that they will use throughout their outreach experiences at Hartland College.
*The summer outreach training program can also be taken during the sophomore year if needed.
We have focused on offering just five major fields of study—all designed explicitly for entrepreneurial mission service. As such, most of our programs lead to four-year baccalaureate degrees which enables us to thoroughly prepare our graduates for their chosen field of mission, even if that eventually includes graduate school or seminary studies. We want all our graduates to be well-prepared for wherever the Lord might lead them.
All our classes are taught from a wholistic, Seventh-day Adventist perspective that celebrates the Bible’s role in our lives and the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White, the primary architect of Seventh-day Adventist education. We overtly integrate faith and learning concepts into every class that we teach.
Hartland College has chosen to adopt an on-campus dress code, social relations policy, and several other standards that we believe help maintain an exceptional learning environment for students, while maintaining the professional and spiritual atmosphere that we desire on our campus. Be sure to review these sections of the student handbook and ask yourself if you are comfortable following these standards before you apply