Dear Friend,
The mission of Hartland College is to educate young people to share the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages and God’s end-time truth with the world. Every class at Hartland is designed to equip youth to serve as educators, media ministers, health educators, pastors, and servant leaders in God’s vineyard. We are here to train our students to be dedicated, self-sacrificing youth who will consecrate their lives and talents to God’s service in these final days.
After the transforming encounter on his way to Damascus, Paul said, “Lord, what will thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). Paul heeded the call and dedicated his life to the furthering of God’s kingdom on earth. As the faithful apostle was reaching the end of his life, he focused on training young Timothy, among others, to continue his evangelistic mission. He understood the importance of training others who would continue the work. Today that need is even more relevant.
Statistics indicate that shortly there will be a serious shortage of pastors and gospel workers in North America. Within the next five years the projections are a loss of 930 pastors with only 503 new graduates from our theological schools to replace them.1 Furthermore, this generation of young adults needs to be educated in God’s last day truths, and commitment to the Three Angels’ Messages. The reason that Hartland College exists is to prepare young people to live sacrificial lives of service to fulfill God’s mission.
Ellen White states it well ,“What the church needs in these days of peril is an army of workers who, like Paul, have educated themselves for usefulness, who have a deep experience in the things of God, and who are filled with earnestness and zeal. Sanctified, self-sacrificing men are needed; men who will not shun trial and responsibility; men who are brave and true; men in whose hearts Christ is formed “the hope of glory,” and who with lips touched with holy fire will “preach the word.” For want of such workers the cause of God languishes”2
” Sanctified, self-sacrificing men are needed; men who will not shun trial and responsibility; men who are brave and true”
This year-end I invite you to partner with Hartland College’s mission. Why not consider a sacrificial year end gift to assist in sponsoring one of our students? Your gift of $1000, $5000, or $10,000 or any amount that God places on your heart will be placed in our student scholarship/ missionary training fund to assist worthy students in their education here at Hartland College. Your support will enable our program to expand so we can train more students to give God’s final message to a dying world.
We are a donor-based ministry totally dependent on the spirit inspired gifts of our friends to continue our evangelistic and missionary training. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. It means more to us than you will ever know. Only eternity will reveal the true value of your sacrificial giving.
May our wonderful Lord bless you abundantly during this special time of the year.

Norbert Restrepo President,
Hartland College
1 https://nadministerial.com/stories/shortage
2 Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, P. 507.