Education Department – Hartland College

Christian Education Department


Christian Education Department

Our Mission

Hartland College’s Education Department instructs 21st century missionary teachers to work in a wide variety of educational settings, from modern classrooms to off-the-grid mission outposts.

The program is intentionally structured to develop in students a deep and abiding knowledge of God and facilitate a closer relationship with the Master Teacher. The Education Department integrates faith and learning in a Christ-centered biblically based environment as it focuses on building and strengthening the “harmonious development of the physical, mental and spiritual powers” (Education, p. 9) to serve the Lord.

Nearly every education class also includes a practical lab experience where students observe classroom theory applied to real-world practice in a wide variety of schools in our local area. Hartland College provides a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Elementary Education, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religious Education, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Health Education, and a minor in Christian Secondary Education.

Our Vision

In acknowledging the important role that young people continue to play in Christian work through mission, Ellen G. White stated that “with such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world.” Education, p. 271.

That is the focused urgency the Education Department at Hartland College adopts in the preparation of young people committed to teaching in the elementary, secondary, and mission fields. Students at Hartland College not only receive the essential pedagogical skills to masterfully navigate the classroom, but they also receive a solid Bible-based foundation, and practical experiential learning that merge vocational training, outreach, work education, outdoor and adventure education, seamlessly with the aim of preparing 21st century mission-focused teachers who have a passion for soul winning.


  • Students will:

    Receive a solid Bible-based foundation and practical experiential learning that merges academics with outreach, work education, and outdoor and adventure education.

  • Integrate a Christian worldview into the teaching and learning process.

  • Learn how to differentiate instruction, manage the learning environment, create meaningful assessment instruments, and select appropriate instructional strategies according to the learning needs of their students.

  • Receive training in child abuse recognition and intervention protocols.

  • Develop the competence to teach through classroom instruction, discussions with peers, mentoring by experienced faculty, experiential learning, and outreach efforts to the community.

  • Understand how to use multiple assessment instruments to inform the teaching and learning process.

  • Demonstrate the ability to create a Christ-centered learning environment and manage the classroom using Christ’s method of engagement that support learning.

  • Indicate mastery in pedagogical skills to meet the learning needs of a diverse classroom.

  • Exhibit exceptional interpersonal skills.

  • Present an understanding of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and the Spirit of Prophecy.

  • Show a commitment to service and community outreach.

  • Demonstrate mastery in academic disciplines and instructional strategies.

  • Learn strategies for life-long learning and professional development.

  • Exemplify a love for students and respect of diversity.

Degrees Offered

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