Core Curriculum – Hartland College

Core Curriculum

Hartland College’s core curriculum is at the heart of our undergraduate experience. Our program is aimed at developing the whole person: the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social components of each student. It consists of a total of 89-92 credits. Through this program, you will gain the essential knowledge and skills needed in order to be successful in college, in mission, and in a life of ministry.

What makes Hartland’s core curriculum distinct and unique?

All students will learn about the practical aspects of soul-winning, Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, how to successfully interact with people of different cultures, and how to enjoy a vibrant, fulfilling, spiritual life. Every student at Hartland College will be equipped to effectively lead or support the outreach and evangelistic efforts of their local church or conference via our intensive witnessing training program and through subsequent progressive outreach activities that build on this foundation.

Every student will understand the core principles of health and the basics of medical missionary work. Hartland’s physical education program also provides personal physical fitness opportunities for every student as well as outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, backpacking, and canoeing. Hartland College has constructed over 10 miles of hiking and biking trails winding along five ponds and several miles of riverfrontage, through deep forests, and across expansive fields and meadows. It is our desire to create an environment that encourages students to adopt life-long habits of active living. 

Every class is consciously designed to integrate classroom theory with ministry practice. Every class integrates faith and learning with academic research presented within the wholistic context of a biblical Seventh-day Adventist worldview.

All students will participate in a work education program designed with specific learning objectives. Students, in consultation with their advisors, are placed in work education environments that will help strengthen their resumé, enhance their long-term goals, learn practical skills, and give students real-world work experience. In this way, students at Hartland benefit from twice the education that traditional college students receive.

“It is in the water, not on the land, that men learn to swim” (Education, p. 268). As a missionary training school, we strive as far as possible to bridge the gap between learning and doing. Our outreaches are intended to immerse students in practical experience, with feedback from instructors in the field, as Christ did with His disciples. Students will be trained and acquire field experience in health outreach, Bible work, youth ministry, literature evangelism, and other potential outreaches. Students can expect to participate in about 30 hours of outreach each term they are on campus.

Every student will learn to appreciate quality Christian music and will receive choral and vocal training from our Music Department.

What You’ll Study

There are 35 specific courses that every Hartland student completes as part of the core along with other seminars and training. Altogether the core aims at develping foundational knowledge for mission service presented within the framework of a Biblical worldview, critical thinking, and practical skills in the following general areas:
Religion, the study of the human experience, the sacred expressions of creativity, the Christian art of communication, the exploration of societal dynamics, the ministry of healing and wellness, the pursuit of truth through formal knowledge and mathematics, the practical applications of skills, and missionary outreach to serve and uplift our community.

We desire all our students to enjoy a vibrant relationship with Jesus and have a clear understanding of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The mission of the church is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ who live as His loving witnesses and proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels’ Messages in preparation for His soon return.”1 The following courses, seminars, and outreach activities aim at fulfilling this desire.

Academic Courses

  • Prayer Coaching & Discipleship Training (2 credits)
  • Principles & Strategies for Church Growth (2 credits)
  • Integrating Christ-Centered Discipleship and Doctrines (2 credits)
  • Conversion & Righteousness by Faith (2 credits)
  • Missiology (2 credits)
  • Intro to Homiletics (2 credits)
  • Class Project (1 credit)
  • Biblical Hermeneutics (2 credits)
  • Fundamentals of the Christian Faith (2 credits)
  • SDA Church History (2 credits)
  • Biblical Apologetics (3 credits)
  • Life and Ministry of EGW (3 credits)
  • Life & Teachings of Jesus (2 credits)


    • Issues in Adventism
    • The Hebrew Sanctuary
    • Bible Doctrines
    • Prophetic Guidance
    • Last-Day Events
    • Books of the Bible

Evangelistic Ministries

    • Bible Work
    • Health Outreach
    • Youth Ministries
    • Literature Evangelism
    • Music Evangelism

The humanities help students understand the world around them and provides answers to questions such as: What does it mean to be human? What is human nature like? How did history develop to where we are today? Through these courses students will form bridges which will allow them to better understand other people groups and cultures. The Fine Arts cover classes like music and literature.

Academic Courses 

    • Survey of World Cultures (4 credits)
    • Principles of Christian Music I (1 credit)
    • Principles of Christian Music II (1 credit)
    • Principles of Christian Music III (1 credit)


    • Cultural Day

God created us as relational beings who interact and communicate. Language is the main vehicle of communication. Students will understand the basic structure of language, its grammar and composition. They learn to communicate with clarity, coherence and persuasiveness using various means.

Academic Courses

    • English I: Composition (3 credits)
    • English II: Research Writing (4 credits)
    • Teaching Seminar (2 credits)
    • Digital Ministry Fundamentals (3 credits)

Life sciences are part of God’s second textbook, nature. It is our privilege to explore the life sciences, seeking to understand the laws that govern them and to apply these laws in practical ways that will improve our lives and the world we live in. In studying living organisms and life processes we will encounter the reality of a great controversy that is present in this realm as well. A knowledge of the Bible and the great controversy will enable students to better understand the life sciences.

  • Academic Courses
    • The Divine Design of the Human Body (4 credits)
    • Sacred Principles of Wellness and Health (4 credits)

God created us social beings reflecting His image. God is love, and self-sacrificing love can only exist in the interaction between living beings. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the interpersonal relationships between individuals, groups of individuals, and the function of societal institutions.

Academic Courses

  • Biblical Principles of Mental Health and Psychology (3 credits)
  • Christian Marriage and Family (3 credits)
  • Christian Principles of Life Coaching (2 credits)
  • Christian Principles of Health Coaching (1 credit)
  • Philosophy of Christian Education (3 credits)
  • Faith and Ministry (3 credits)
  • Faith & Finance (3 credits)
  • Faith and Leadership (3 credits)


  • Social Relations
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Christian Education
  • Character Development

Areas of study that use formal systems to generate knowledge such as mathematics and computer science are usually categorized as formal sciences. In studying God’s creation, we will often need to apply quantitative science in order to better understand them and to make practical and useful applications of the principles we derive from them. A study of formal sciences will enable our students not only to be logical critical thinkers but also to apply arithmetic processes and statistics to data and real-world situations.

  • Academic Courses
    • College Algebra (4 credits) is required for students taking Christian Health and Wellness Ministry and education tracks.
    • Ministry Mathematics (4 credits) Recommended for all other degree programs.

Hartland College seeks to offer an educational model that is truly balanced between the physical and intellectual. Practical development is a fundamental aspect of true education. Our physical faculties need to be equally developed together with our intellectual and spiritual faculties. In the beginning God gave humanity practical tasks that included agriculture—the ABC of manual education. Practical skills can empower you to become a self-supporting missionary, stay fit, develop a life-long interest in outdoor recreation, and enable you to be useful in any setting.

  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Physical Fitness Activities
    Students will develop a personal physical fitness regimen through training/coaching.
    • Physical fitness training and coaching
    • Additional activities such as hiking, backpacking, canoeing, mountain biking, trail running, rock climbing, and wilderness survival/homesteading may be offered based on season and instructors.
  • Work Education
    • Farm
    • Food Services
    • Wellness Center
    • Maintenance
    • Grounds/Landscaping
    • Business Office
    • Library
    • Custodial
    • Auto Shop
    • Trail Maintenance/Construction
    • Hartland Publications (i.e., Last Generation Magazine)
    • Music Department
    • Media
    • Piedmont Bible Camp
    • Distance Learning
    • Donor Relations
    • Events
    • Directed Teaching
    • Church Commitment

Summer Outreach Training School

The purpose of this program is to help ground more young people in the Adventist message and equip them to be soul winners in their local churches and communities. Because Hartland College’s mission is to train 21st century missionary entrepreneurs, we wanted to instill within students a love for sharing their faith with others right at the beginning of their college experience in a structured and concise way. 

Our Mission:

  • To infuse an evangelistic spirit in young professionals along with a profound love for Jesus Christ and commitment to the prophetic movement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

This program is for Seventh-day Adventist young people who want to:

  • Experience a new love for Jesus and a vibrant devotional life.
  • Better understand God’s will and calling for their life.
  • Be energized and driven by the mission and special calling of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the Adventist message and doctrines.

Program Outcome—Students who successfully finish this program will:

  • Have a clear vision of how they can be missionaries in whatever occupation God calls them to.
  • Exhibit a firm commitment to the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church through their support and involvement.
  • Have the knowledge and confidence to lead souls to make a decision for Christ through Bible studies.
  • Have a toolbox of practical skills they can use to minister to the felt needs of people.
  • Be equipped to effectively lead or support the outreach and evangelistic efforts of their local church or conference.

Program Length:

  • 8 weeks of training.
  • 120 hours of instruction from experienced, soul-winning pastors and instructors.
  • Almost everything learned in class will be implemented and practiced throughout the summer. Option available for those who only want to take one or two classes

(4 credits)
This course aims to give each student an appreciation for the creative power and wisdom of God through an understanding of the structure and function of tissues, organs, and systems of the human body and a basic working knowledge of the human body.

(3 credits)
This course introduces you to the essential steps of starting a ministry. We will discuss the basics of starting, building, financing, and promoting a ministry and being a wise steward of its finances. We will understand how our spiritual calling informs every aspect of our ministry development.

(3 credits)
This is a course designed to help students understand the impact of individual and corporate choices on ministry goals and future stewardship potential. Topics covered will include ministry revenue, money management, accounting basics, budgeting and controlling, spending and credit, as well as saving and investing, from a spiritual and biblical perspective. This course also includes a discussion on economic systems including capitalism, socialism, greed, and the Bible.

(3 credits)
Missionary service occurs within a larger doctrinal framework that provides the context for all kinds of ministry. The goal of this class is to study the 28 fundamental beliefs held by Seventh-day Adventists with an emphasis on the pillars of our faith. Students will examine the biblical evidence for each doctrine, the impact they have on the church’s mission and our personal lives, and how to defend these beliefs.

(3 credits)
This course is divided into two main modules: A Principles of Self-Supporting Missions module and a Christian Leadership module. The Principles of Self-Supporting Missions module will briefly cover the history of self-supporting work within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, including Madison and the Beehive Vision. The main focus of this module will be basic principles to establish and develop several ministry models with emphasis on outpost centers. The Christian Leadership module will study various biblical leaders and the lessons we can learn from their leadership. It will also address practical guidelines, issues, dangers, and concerns involved in Christian leadership with emphasis on leadership in the local church context.

(3 credits)
This course highlights the link between basic philosophical issues and educational outcomes, and how a biblical Christian worldview should permeate and shape an educational model. It explores the major issues relevant to Christian education, thus providing a basis for the development of a personal philosophy of education within the Christian context. An endeavor is made to discover the dynamic relationship between education and redemption, while illustrating means by which Christian principles may pervade every educational facet. It also seeks to explain Hartland’s educational model. A fundamental component of this class is the study of Ellen White’s book Education.

(2 credits)
This class teaches students how to instruct and teach effectively in their discipline. It covers strategies for teaching or giving meaningful instruction such as developing a lesson plan, giving a lecture, presenting a seminar, and coaching students. This class will cover basic pedagogical strategies that students in our Christian Communication Ministry, Christian Health and Wellness Ministry, Biblical Counseling and Religion Departments (including Bible workers, pastors, evangelists) can use to improve their ability to teach and instruct people.

(3 credits)
The ability to communicate clearly in writing is one of the hallmarks of an effective leader. This foundational class teaches students how to write at a college level by providing instruction in grammar and sentence structure—skills that will be used throughout a student’s academic training. This practical, hands-on course uses “natural context” communication to improve students’ academic skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Instruction is specifically tailored to the individual learner via an initial placement test which leads to personalized training in writing skills from note-taking to prewriting and editing. Logic and critical thinking skills will be emphasized throughout the writing projects.

(3 credits)
This course builds on the writing skills gained in ENGL 101 by introducing more advanced forms of writing, including advanced essays of various genres, research writing, documentation styles (APA, MLA, Turabian/Chicago), separating fact from opinion, and the proper use of primary and secondary sources. This class will focus on gathering, organizing, documenting, and presenting information clearly and in a professional manner. Students will explore how to use “storytelling” in evangelism by writing effectively for specific audiences and purposes as well as learning to use various formats and styles. They will also learn the steps in writing and submitting articles for discipline-specific, denominational, mission-related, or ministry-related publications.

(2 credits)
This course provides students with a communication tool that will empower them to achieve personal goals and discover God’s calling for them. They will be trained to guide individuals/clients to recognize their skills, talents, and dreams, and to refocus their goals in life and move beyond challenges and obstacles from their past which stand in the way of these goals.

(1 credit)
This course provides students with a communication tool that will empower them to help individuals find the motivation and tools to achieve their emotional, mental, and physical health goals.

(4 credits)
This course explores God’s natural laws and general physiology in relation to health, drawing from the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and scientific literature which is consistent with inspired counsel.

(4 credits)
This course is a study of communication across cultural boundaries, aiding in the understanding of how people of different cultures think and why they do what they do, so that the student can be an effective missionary for Christ wherever he/she is sent to serve. This class explores the difference between polychronic and monochronic cultures along with examining individualist and collectivist societies. Students will learn about personal versus societal responsibilities and study practical ways to effectively communicate with people of different cultures, including verbal and non-verbal cues. Above all, students will learn practical ways to reach out and befriend those from other cultures while communicating the gospel in a context that is understood and sensitive to other non-Christian cultures.

(4 credits)
This course covers an in-depth study and application of quadratics, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; systems of equations; inequalities; and absolute value. Also includes instruction in basic graphing techniques and applications involving geometry and measurement. Special attention will be given to explaining how algebraic equations are used in solving real-life problems that deal with health and wellness, education, and understanding God’s creation through numbers.

(4 credits)
Ministry Mathematics presents relevant math problems through the context of creating, developing, operating, and managing one’s own entrepreneurial business ministry. Real-life applications form the context of the instruction along with numerous examples from real charities, companies, schools, churches and ministries. . Some of the key topics covered include: Whole Numbers and Decimals; Fractions; Percentages: Bank Services; Payroll; Mathematics of Buying and Selling; Simple/Compound interest; Annuities, Stocks, and Bonds; Business and Consumer Loans; Taxes and Insurance; Depreciation; Financial Statements and Ratios; Business Statistics; and Quantitative Economical Modeling.

(3 credits)
This course provides a basic understanding of the tools and skills that are applicable in Christian digital media. Students will learn how to use different types of digital media for teaching/communication, organizing/managing information, and gathering/researching data within the context of Christian Media evangelism.

(1 credit each)
This is a foundational course examining music standards applicable to both home and church. Specific training will be provided in voice culture, choral singing, and music history. Students will learn how to use uplifting music presentation as an important outreach method designed to reach people for Christ. All students are expected to join the Hartland College Campus Choir for at least three terms.

(3 credits)
This class teaches students the fundamentals of mental health and how the physical, socio/emotional, and spiritual realms impact the well-being of the mind. Instruction will cover common issues in mental health while emphasizing strategies for achieving and maintaining optimal brain function. An investigation into the principles of the mind as outlined in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy will lead to a focus on practical ways to improve mental cognition and balance. Students will study portions of Ellen White’s books Mind, Character, and Personality, vols. 1 and 2, and The Ministry of Healing.

(2 credits)
Today many are wounded and struggling with addictions, destructive thought patterns, and emotional and relational problems. As a result, 21st-century missionary training must include the principles that will help students to minister to those who are brokenhearted. This seminar will equip students with the basic tools for discipling people through prayer coaching.

(2 credits)
As Seventh-day Adventist missionaries, we have been given the task of preaching the Three Angels’ Messages to the world by growing and planting churches. This session will examine the basic principles and strategies for church growth that are found primarily in the book of Acts. However, the emphasis is on how to apply these methods to our contemporary context.

(2 credits)
This course will focus on how to integrate Christ’s everlasting gospel into the center of doctrines, thus offering real life in Christ.

(2 credits)
Hartland College builds its educational philosophy on five fundamental principles of Scripture: (1) the Sabbath, (2) the unchanging nature of God’s law, (3) the heavenly sanctuary, (4) the integrated nature of man, and (5) the Three Angels’ Messages. These five fundamental principles form the basis for how we will process our theoretical understanding of conversion and righteousness by faith. The mission of Hartland College is to equip missionaries to transform the world through Christ. For that to take place, students must understand the theoretical aspects of conversion and righteousness by faith so that they can achieve the overall goal of this class, which is to experience conversion and the fruits of righteousness by faith.

(2 credits)
A 21st-century missionary is about missions. This course is designed to guide the student through a study of the biblical and theological foundations for doing missions. Special attention will be given to missions from both the Old Testament and New Testament perspectives. This foundation will then guide the student as we evaluate missions from post-apostolic times down to the 21st century.

(2 credits)
The supreme model for 21st-century missionaries is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. This comprehensive study of Jesus’ life and teachings as revealed in the four Gospels is aimed at developing student appreciation for Christ’s impact upon one’s own life, as well as enabling the student to present the fundamental message of Jesus to others. The course covers Christ’s life from His incarnation to His ascension.

(2 credits)
Developing the talent of speech is not only for teachers and preachers, but it is also something that all 21st-century missionaries should strive for, regardless of their major. Homiletics is the science and art of learning and applying the principles involved in preparing various kinds of messages for different occasions.

(1 credit)
Students will create a personal ministry plan based on how they see themselves serving God in connection with the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the future. This ministry plan will take into account their gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses, and personality.

(2 credits)
Being a 21st-century missionary encompasses strengthening our mental and spiritual faculties by discovering the principles of interpretation found in Scripture. Students will learn to rightly divide the Word of truth and then apply these principles in their teaching, preaching, and personal lives for the purpose of growing in grace and winning souls to the kingdom. In this session students will examine and apply the historical-grammatical principles of exegesis that are grounded in the Bible.

(2 credits)
Missionary service occurs within a larger doctrinal framework that provides the context for all kinds of ministry. The goal of this class is to study the 28 Fundamental Beliefs held by Seventh-day Adventists, with an emphasis on the pillars of our faith. Students will examine the biblical evidence for each doctrine, the impact they have on the church’s mission and our personal lives, and how to defend these beliefs.

(2 credits)
Missionaries of the 21st century can strengthen their sense of corporate identity by reviewing the events that brought Seventh-day Adventists into being. This course covers the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from its 19th-century Millerite roots, its organization and reorganization, and the development of its missionary activities, to its present worldwide expansion. Students will become acquainted with major events, themes, and developmental stages in the history of the SDA Church, as well as the relevance of SDA history to contemporary issues in the church.

(3 credits)
21st-century missionaries need to be able to give a defense of the faith to other Christians, atheists, and those belonging to other religions. This course focuses on formulating a rational basis for believing in the existence of God, the divine origin of the Word, and the truthfulness of the gospel message. Consideration will also be given to the best methods for explaining these truths to individuals with no biblical background and answering their objections. This course is designed to strengthen our faith in the great truths of the Bible and better equip us to share these truths with those of a different worldview.

(3 credits) 
Students will investigate the role of the prophetic gift in the church from Bible times to the present day, with special emphasis on the role of Ellen G. White in the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This course also explores the context from which she emerged as God’s special messenger and examines issues surrounding her ministry and challenges to her credibility. Students will be provided with interpretive tools for understanding and applying Ellen White’s writings.

(3 credits)
This class presents a Seventh-day Adventist perspective on marriage and family from courtship and marriage to child-rearing. Drawing on principles presented in the Bible, the writings of Ellen White, and other Christian authors, this class will cover social policy, commitments, compatibility, “red flags,” family structures, personality tests, adultery and divorce, blended families, second marriages, and general family principles. Students will also study cultural marriage and family structures, gender roles, and multicultural considerations relevant to missionaries working with people of different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs. Students will survey Ellen White’s book The Adventist Home

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