Biblical Psychology Department – Hartland College

Biblical Psychology Department


Biblical Psychology

Our Mission
To equip pre-professional missionary biblical psychologists who can teach, preach, and heal with a solid academic background, a strong biblical foundation, and a practical educational approach to transform lives into the image of God.

Our Vision

To empower future pre-professional biblical psychologists as missionaries, demonstrating God’s love, inspiring hope, and easing emotional and spiritual pain. They will collaborate in fulfilling the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church through the message of the three angels, preparing individuals spiritually, mentally, and physically for the return of Christ and disseminating His message globally.
Our Objectives
  • Train biblical psychologist missionaries

    who can educate, preach, and treat with mental health principles, based on the Bible and true science, that promote the restoration of the image of God in man. This image is a Christian character that reflects the mind of Christ through selfless love, forgiveness, truth, freedom, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, self-control, and hope.

  • Equip biblical psychologist missionaries

    who can educate, preach, and promote the laws of health and God's spiritual law, providing objective lessons on the favorable outcomes of obedience to God's laws and principles of mental and spiritual health. These laws and principles are in harmony with God's law of love, truth, and freedom, reflecting His character.

  • Train biblical psychologist missionaries

    who can teach, preach, and heal, while also being capable of winning souls for Christ, engaging in missionary activities, possessing a thorough knowledge of the gospel to share, and understanding the doctrines of the SDA Church. Additionally, they should foster hope and triumph amidst pain and suffering.

  • Train biblical psychologist missionaries

    who can support, establish, and promote comprehensive centers of influence and healthy lifestyle centers with an emotional emphasis. In these centers, healing, restoration, and education can be offered through teaching, preaching, and treating with mental health principles based on the Bible and true science.

  • Educate biblical psychologist missionaries

    who teach, preach, and treat mental and emotional distress while simultaneously offering spiritual and soul health—addressing mental illness and sin—in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventist Church and utilizing principles based on the Bible and true science.

Our Program

Our undergraduate program in Biblical Psychology is pre-professional, aiming to introduce students to a broad knowledge base in the clinical or counseling field and to prepare them for further training. Rooted in an Adventist biblical framework, the program offers a solid foundation in the study of the human mind and behavior.

The mental health field presents a unique opportunity for ministering to individuals and demonstrating God’s transformative love. Our program aims to train students wholistically with a foundational focus on Christ-centered and Bible-based teachings. Each course emphasizes the integration of the Spirit of Prophecy, the Bible, and science. The program is structured to move from theoretical learning to practical application in and out of the classroom, emphasizing a wholistic approach where students integrate their knowledge to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual balance.


This program is designed for students aspiring to become clinicians, counselors, practitioners, and therapists, aiming to pursue admission to graduate programs in counseling or clinical psychology

It specifically targets those interested in obtaining a master’s degree in School or Professional Counseling, School Psychology, or a doctorate degree in clinical or counseling psychology from a professional psychology program. Our program covers various subfields of psychology, including Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and Health Psychology. Clinical psychologists integrate psychology with the treatment of complex human problems, while counseling psychologists focus on personal and interpersonal functioning. Health psychologists promote health, prevent illness, and improve healthcare through psychological science.

Degrees Offered
Bachelor in Biblical Psychology

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